Parkland Acquisition (Centre Beach)
In the first public gifting of parkland since Manitou Park by the Chamber of Commerce who established in the Park in 1930, NaramataSlow led the campaign to acquire a precious piece of Naramata waterfront. Raising over $1.1 million in 3 months, Naramata supporters rallied in record numbers. Working together collectively with the RDOS and the Naramata Centre Society, Centre Beach was established and will remain for public use as parkland, in perpetuity.
The Community’s response to the acquisition of Centre Beach has inspired us to look more broadly to other parts of our Community that might benefit from public guardianship whether to preserve endangered species or ecosystems, or to create spaces where the Community can gather.
If this is something that is important to you please consider making a donation.
Community Sign
One of Naramata Slow’s inaugural projects. Recognizing that community was fundamentally fostered by communication and dialogue, Naramata Slow designed, purchased and coordinated the installation of a new community sign. The sign is located on Robinson Road, just east of the school and reminds people of important upcoming events when they enter and leave the village.
If you have a Community Event upcoming and would like to have it mentioned on the sign please email us your request to NaramataSlow@gmail.com.
Please include date, event name and contact info.
(Naramata x Cittaslow)
Dark Sky Place Certification
We are losing the night at the speed of light.
Recent estimates are that children born in 2023 who can see about 250 stars, will see only 100 stars by their 18th birthday.*
We are losing the night to light pollution.
The night sky is emblematic of a healthy environment. By limiting light pollution it means we are using energy efficiently; it means we value and care about flora and fauna, including human health and everything that depends on Earth’s daily light and dark cycle to govern life-sustaining behaviors.
Inspired by the great work of Dark Sky International (darksky.org), the leading organization combating light pollution worldwide, we formally applied to have Naramata recognized as an International Dark Sky Community. Dark Sky International is the recognized authority for night sky protection and has taken the lead in identifying and publicizing the negative impacts of artificial light at night on human health, wildlife and the environment as a whole.
The rigorous process of certification requires that Naramata demonstrate its commitment to valuing and protecting the night sky through our implementation of quality outdoor lighting ordinances (through RDOS bylaws), to celebrating the night sky through educational events and that we continue to reach out to our Community to share the importance of dark skies and limiting light pollution.
Small, but Mighty…
Ultimately our goal is to minimize or eliminate waste light, light trespass and light pollution in order to improve the health and well-being of all living things, reduce energy consumption and waste in Naramata. More powerfully though, we hope that through our actions we can inspire other communities and jurisdictions to take similar actions.
*Sokol, Joshua.19 Jan 2023 “Light Pollution is Drowning the Starry Night Sky Faster Than Thought”, Science.Org
Chefs in the Classroom
Since 2018 Naramata Slow has facilitated the integration of Chefs in the Classroom - Edible Education (an initiative of the Okanagan Chefs Association) at Naramata Elementary School.
The program has grown and flourished with collaboration and assistance of James Young and the Naramata School Community Garden
If you would like to volunteer to assist in the Chefs in the Classroom, please email us at Naramataslow@gmail.com
Collaborative Projects
Our community is small, however by working together with other organizations and individuals we have been able to achieve big things. Here are a few examples of recent projects.
If you have an idea or would like to work together on a project, please email us at naramataslow@gmail.com